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Helping organizations grow their private online communities:

Outsourced day-to-day management, coaching, consulting and strategy.


What we do?
  • We are the go-to group for advice on anything community. Hire us for something as simple as a discussion with your board about private communities or get more adventurous and order full-service concierge services.
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Who we are?
  • We’d bet you are pretty cool and we want to get to know you. I’m sure you want to meet us because we think we’re pretty cool too. Read more for the reason we exist and to get to know the face behind the online community curtain.
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  • Get us on our mobile devices. Text, voice message, video message or just call us! Yep, that’s how connected we are to our clients. Skype and social media are just a few other tools we use for business, too. Get ahold of us today!
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The latest from the Online Community Results blog

All aboard the Community Cruise at ASAE Annual Meeting

Chances are you know all about the vendors offering online community solutions for the association market, but did you know that AMS, LMS and mobile app vendors are also doing some interesting things with social networking? I’m organizing a guided tour of the ASAE Annual Meeting trade show floor to introduce you to senior executives at companies that offer some of the most innovative and interesting technology products for associations. Join me for the Community Cruise on Monday, August 14 during trade show hours and meet the top brass at companies that are doing exciting things with social networking in their platforms. On the Community Cruise, you’ll be introduced to LMS, AMS, mobile app, and marketing technology companies with innovative social networking features baked right into their platforms. Drop me an email or comment on this post to RSVP. The Community Cruise is limited to 10 participants, so RSVP... read more


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