How do we make the business case for an online community?
- 14
- Oct
Image By: Andrew Magill
Autumn means budget writing for many of us, and if you’re planning for an online community in 2015, chances are you’re going to need to justify the expense to your boss and the board. Coming up with a business case for your online community is time consuming. And you must cover all your bases — showing the Powers That Be you’ve thought of everything will help you get your budget approved.
I can help you do this for FREE. I’m making available an outline of a business case for an online community that — when completed — will help you make a compelling budget pitch to your boss or the board. The outline will help you make the case for the return on investment of communities, citing industry research about how member engagement affects associations’ financial performance and informing your income/expense analysis over multiple years.
We’ve used this very same outline to help one of the world’s largest associations get their six-figure community project funded, including software licensing, custom development, and dedicated community management staff.
Drop me a line at [email protected] to request your FREE copy of the online community business case outline and to schedule a 30-minute call to review it one-on-one.