Press Release: Online Community Results to Occupy New Headquarters

Nashville, Tennessee, November 18, 2013 – Online Community Results, the world’s largest private online community consultancy specializing in the unique needs of associations and nonprofits, announced today a relocation to a new, larger corporate headquarters. Citing aggressive growth, the company, formerly based in Richmond, has relocated to a state-of-the-art facility in Nashville, Tennessee.

Ben with Moving Truck“Online Community Results has witnessed unprecedented growth over the past year, doubling the size of our professional staff and adding dozens of new clients. Our 2014 forecasts indicate that we’ll continue to see lively demand for our company’s services,” said Ben Martin, CAE, the company’s chief engagement officer, during a press conference today. “Keeping pace with the accelerated growth curve we’re experiencing requires a change of venue for our company — more space, enhanced facilities, and easier access to our clients.”

Nashville was selected for its proximity to significant human resource assets, access to a skilled workforce, and central location. The timing of the move also neatly coincides with important industry events to be held in Tennessee’s capital city in 2014, including digitalNow, the ASAE Annual Meeting & Exposition, and the SAE Alliance Annual Meeting.

“We have increased our ability to provide the full spectrum of services to our clients and further our continued growth,” said Teri Carden, the partner overseeing company operations. “To that end, this relocation further demonstrates the commitment of Online Community Results to serving our clients and building the company’s global presence.”

“With humble beginnings, I started this business from my living room sofa, so this move to a new headquarters is especially exciting for me,” said Martin, enthusiastically.

Asked in jest if he drove the moving truck from Richmond to Nashville, Martin replied, “Absolutely! I refuse to let success go to my head, and I believe it’s important to be a humble leader. I owe everything to my clients and staff. This is just one way to show my team my gratitude.”

Online Community Results specializes in private social communities for associations, providing outsourced day-to-day community management, coaching for community managers, consulting, and community strategy services. With extensive experience and expertise in online communities, association management, and social psychology, we work hand-in-hand with you to apply a tried-and-true organic growth process that virtually guarantees success, regardless of your software platform. Whether you want to avoid costly mistakes with your new online community or need to correct past missteps, Online Community Results is the natural choice.

4 Responses so far.

  1. Congrats on your move to the new sofa!

  2. I love it! Best press release I’ve ever read. Congrats on the move. You guys are the best.

  3. Dave Will says:

    Great news! Awesome location! Go gettem!

  4. Clarke Price says:

    Good luck in the new digs. I now spend half the year in Tennessee (Crossville/FairfieldGlade) and think it’s a great place to be.

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